Emergency Accommodation

Referrals to Edel House are made through the APS (Accommodation Placement Service) in Cork City Council, Monday – Friday 9am-5pm. Self-referrals can be made outside of these hours.

Further information:
Good Shepherd Cork

Edel House
Grattan St.
E: edelhouse@goodshepherdcork.ie 
T: 021 427 4240

Our homeless shelter, Edel House, provides emergency accommodation for women and children who are homeless. We can accommodate 10 families and 18 single women.

Women who become homeless are often facing multiple challenges. Once a woman is admitted to Edel House, she is assigned a key worker who will get to understand the circumstances that have contributed to her homelessness and assess her needs before implementing a detailed personal care plan.

We can offer a range of supports and resources working alongside women as they regain independence, including a dual diagnosis worker, making change coordinator, counsellors, sexual health adviser, and child and youth workers where necessary. Such supports help to maintain self-esteem and build self-confidence and morale while women are looking for their own accommodation. We also provide a range of supports to children staying in Edel House, on a one to one and group basis, including a weekly Youth Club and planned activities and outings. As relevant, our staff will advocate and liaise with statutory and voluntary agencies on behalf of residents, to ensure the best outcomes are achieved for every woman and her children.

We are currently in the process of re-developing Edel House which we hope to have completed by late 2021. The re-development will provide improved accommodation, including all ensuite rooms, for the woman and families who need our service. It will also provide us with additional training and counselling rooms and more communal space so we can offer the best possible care to those who need it.



